Installation and Configuration
To install Festival
we need the following packages –
• Festvox 2.0 (core
framework for building new voices)
• festival-1.4.0.tar.gz (Festival Speech Synthesis System
• speech_tools-1.2.0.tar.gz (The Edinburgh Speech Tools
Library )
• festlex_NAME.tar.gz
• festvox_NAME.tar.gz
• festdoc_1.4.0.tar.gz
• and the needed voice packs.
Unzip all the files
in the location intended to install.
Now run the configure and gmake command for all three
modules – festvox , festival and speech tools.The speech
tool is needed to compile and install first as the other
two module uses it.
$ cd /path/speech_tools
$ ./Configure
$ gmake
$ cd /path/festvox
$ ./Configure
$ gmake
$ cd /path/festival
$ ./Configure
$ gmake
You can also use the
command gmake test in each case to see if the installations
were successful or not.However on many linux systems
C/C++ compiler may not be installed, in those cases
they need to install the standard C/C++ (gcc ver.xxx)
compilers. In Mandrake linux if there are GCC addons
for other languages are installed then the gmake command
can give some error.For that you have to uninstall the
addons for Ada, pascal or java or just have to specify
that you want to use the C/C++ compiler.
For installing on windows please see the details in
Festival System Documentation.